WOW I sure didn't expect to be here! After 1 year of uploading 227 videos to YouTube, I GizmoShock have finally made it past 1,000 subscribers! Thanks for all the support! I'm walking in the clouds I'm so happy! Btw, in case your's a mobile gaming channel for Clash of Clans and...
Well this was an exciting one for me, I reached 1000 subscribers during my latest livestream! While numbers didn't look like they would support me as this latest jump would see me smash my previous record of subscribers in a month in about 2 hours, I was fortunate enough to push any viewers...
- 1,087 Subscribers
- 14,114 Watch time
- 145 videos uploaded
- My First Sponsorship with Freedom
- My 1st 3 donations from subscribers 07/20/2017
- Starting a fan base as small as it is
first 1000 subs
first donations
first sponsorship
paranoia origins 2
starting a fan base
struggling youtuber
view milestone
watch time milestone
For starters, I'm Paranoia Origins and I'm a starting out YouTuber for over few half a year now? I made it to 50 subscribers and 350+ views wooooh as of 2017. I'm not at all sure why I even came here or if Freedom is the right choice at all because I've had a lot of others networks reject me...
What is going on guys my name is Joseph but people know me as KillerconGaming or Killercon. I have a variety of gaming videos on my channel but recently I got into doing tutorial videos. So lets go back to last year when I joined Freedom, I had around 100 subs back then and only recorded...