Search results

  1. Raid xpel

    Gaming Join my multi COD Clan

    i don't think it matters. pm me on skype at RaidXpel
  2. Raid xpel

    Gaming Join my multi COD Clan

    Hi there guys just made new clan. It is a multi cod clan. We need some some cod players. GFX , editors. We would love if you joined. Check out the channel at : dont expect any crazy subscriber number. We only started. PM me if you are...
  3. Raid xpel

    Gaming Need some BO3 clips for a montage.

    Hey guys need some bo3 clips for my new montage. Make sure they are good clips. PM me on skype if you have any clips. Make sure they are under 1:50 minutes. Skype: RaidXpel
  4. Raid xpel

    PC PC Collab Anyone?

    add my skype RaidXpel
  5. Raid xpel

    PC PC Collab Anyone?

    what you mean send you a message
  6. Raid xpel

    PC PC Collab Anyone?

    Whats your skype Name
  7. Raid xpel

    PC PC Collab Anyone?

    Hey man i would love to colab with you
  8. Raid xpel

    PC PC Collab Anyone?

    Hey man i am interested what game s do you have
  9. Raid xpel

    Gaming Do you want a shoutout? Do you want to grow?Click this thread to find out how!

    Hey man i would love a shoutout best of luck on the series
  10. Raid xpel

    PC (UNPAYED) Need an editor

    hey man i could do it with a few regulations
  11. Raid xpel

    VR 100 subs special! 10 shoutouts!

    congrats bruv best of look in the future of your youtube