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  1. K

    Solved Help!

    So I just want to say, that after my next paycheck, I would like my channel unlinked, but only after my next paycheck, but how?
  2. K

    Solved Missing Revenue Payout Opprotunity?

    Thank you Danny! Glad you could help!
  3. K

    Solved Missing Revenue Payout Opprotunity?

    Hello, my channel name is KillerBacon1234. I am here to ask, it says I'm missing out on a revenue payout because on my Dashboard I haven't clicked "Learn More" yet when I already did, and that button ain't on my Dashboard no more. What is going on?!?! Help me please!
  4. K

    Solved Analytics with payments? HELP!!

    So I was looking at my analytics and it had my $0.15 on there yesterday, but when I looked today it was back at $0.00. I checked my Email but I didn't receive any payments for that yet, what is going on?