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  1. eZflaffer

    Other Milestone 1st Anniversary of My YT Channel!!!

    Thanks, guys! I wish you both a good year!
  2. eZflaffer

    Solved Deleting a forum post

    Yeah... I accidentaly made a duplicate post by accidentally hitting the back button, then hitting the "post" button. I panicked! So uh... How do I delete the duplicate post??? ~ eZ
  3. eZflaffer

    Post your PC specs here!

    You're probably asking, "Why?". Well, I plan of getting a new computer to receive for my birthday coming March 1st this year, but I want to get part for a computer and have one built. The problem is... I don't know how the hardware side of Pcs work. So... I thought, maybe someone can post their...
  4. eZflaffer

    Other Milestone 1st Anniversary of My YT Channel!!!

    Yup; it is! It's strange to think I've been doing YT for a year now - with so few videos! Today I'm planning of posting 2 vids at whatever time today. I'm also hoping this year won't be as hectic so I can post more. :) ~ eZ
  5. eZflaffer

    Solved Earning Money; Age

    I don't know if this has been asked before, but when money is sent to you from freedom! via PayPal, how old do you have to be in order to recieve your payment?