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  1. SaBashMan

    Gaming What's up!

    Bacon is key but i put A1 sauce on.
  2. SaBashMan

    What Do You Think? PC Gaming or Console Gaming?

    PC has more customization and there are way more games! I like console for gaming peasants who don't know how to PC AKA most if not all my friends.
  3. SaBashMan


    Quality tips right there! I can't tell how many times I have clicked away because of the Audio quality. I have had my fair share of ruined videos because of audio. My last record wasn't too bad but the voice recording was too deep but it made the video funny as hell.
  4. SaBashMan

    Gaming What's up!

    My main games I play regularly are: BO3, CSGO, H1Z1, Halo 5, GTA V Steam Library: XBL: SaBashMan
  5. SaBashMan

    Bo3 thoughts?

    I think the game is fun. I LOVE THE ARGUS. I seem to be a god with shotguns in general. I play competitive but since it moved to PS4 there isn't a lot of hope now. I still don't like the boosting. I wish it would return back to just being able to walk on the ground only. WAW 2 would be awesome...
  6. SaBashMan

    What do you guys record with?

    I use OBS to record both console and PC!. For equipment I have the Elgato HD.
  7. SaBashMan

    Gaming What's up!

    Thanks that really means a lot. If you ever want to play anything hmu! I'm always looking to play with peeps.
  8. SaBashMan

    Gaming What's up!

    Thanks man! If you ever want to do collab or just play hmu!
  9. SaBashMan

    Gaming What's up!

    Your name: Sebastian Where are you from?: Washington How old are you?: 16 How did you find Freedom!?: I found Freedom! while looking for a partnership program. The community looked fun and had many benefits. What made you join our forums?: The dang notification on the dashboard. Also, I wanted...