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  1. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Intro, My YouTube Story

    Thanks for the Respect tag Koth, I felt safe enought to put alot out there, still not everything but with time it might expand :)
  2. SirFlynn1

    XBox Looking to Create a Comedy Recording Group.

    Details About what I am looking for. Age: I'm 27 years old Games: Any Multiplayer Games, The Games I have are: 7 Days to Die, Dying Light, Halo 5, Halo Reach, halo Spartan Assault, Knight Squad, MineCraft, Smite, Star Wars Battlefront, Uno and Warframe. Amount of Subscribers: 58 Contact...
  3. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Intro, My YouTube Story

    If you know of any Xbox content creators looking to collaborate that would be great lol. My Gaming pc was stolen a while back and all I have is a laptop, capture card, and my xbox one, everyone is on pc now and i cant game on my pc very well let alone record pc gameplay lol. And it seems xbox...
  4. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Intro, My YouTube Story

    I'm going to start doing that. Over the years YouTubes formula has changed so much and the description layout on my channel has changed so much, I don't want to click bate, I want someone to read the headline and be like Hmmm this seems interesting lol. It's hard to tell who even reads the...
  5. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Intro, My YouTube Story

    Friends? Deal :) I have been working on being able to talk about things more over the years. I use to clam up and never be able to tell anyone what was really going on inside of me, but I learned that it could hurt me far more than if I just let people in and try to move forward. I still deal...
  6. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Intro, My YouTube Story

    Yea it has been a rough road to get to where I am at now, and I'm not going to lie, i still deal with alot of the issues still but they are easier to deal with. I may only be 27 but I still got a lot of fight left in me lol. Thank you for the kind words my friend :)
  7. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Intro, My YouTube Story

    Lol Thanks, I might have gotten a bit carried away but sometimes when I am writing, I just can't seem to stop, And thank you for the welcome, I am happy to be here.
  8. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Intro, My YouTube Story

    Thank you so much, It has been really hard trying to grow again, especially with how many people are on the YouTube site now adays but I am glad there are still communities like this that invite people in with open arms rather than shut them out.
  9. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Intro, My YouTube Story

    Thank you, I'm still learning how everything works as I go but it is great to be part of something bigger :)
  10. SirFlynn1


    I know this may seem a bit weird but check out some of the game modes on Roblox, there are some fun and spooky ones. Stop it slender is a popular with me and my friends.
  11. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Final Boss

    Doom was an insane game, I am so glad they expanded the franchise. I did an entire lets play of it on my channel, took forever but so worth it in the long run, Are you going back for the extras and bonus content?
  12. SirFlynn1

    Beauty Hello World!

    Welcome to the Freedom Family, I'm new too, I hope you have as much fun as I am having :)
  13. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Get to know me :D

    Welcome To the Freedom Family my friend :)
  14. SirFlynn1

    Gaming Intro, My YouTube Story

    Hello, my name is Marshall, more commonly online known as SirFlynn1 and this is my YouTube story. First off let me give you a little back story from my school days. From an early age, I was always a bigger guy which lead to being picked on by so many people. Over time it became so bad that by...