Search results

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    PC Dayz collab anyone?

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    PC 17/M Wanting some gaming partners.

    will u play with a 13 yr old
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    XBox Someone To Play With in My Videos

    ok ok u got my skype so u can get ahold of me on their if u ever wanna play
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    XBox Someone To Play With in My Videos

    isnt that bad but ya the graphics card isnt the best
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    XBox Someone To Play With in My Videos

    ok if u ever decide u wanna play a pc game with me heres my skype jacob_f_hall
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    XBox Someone To Play With in My Videos

    im not sure if unturned too graphicly intesive can you tell me your pc specs
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    PC Dayz collab anyone?

    Do you play unturned?
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    XBox Someone To Play With in My Videos

    Can you play any PC games
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    PC Anyone wanna play a game with me

    Hi my name is Jacob Hall aka NeoGaming49 and i was wondering if any of you gamers wanted to collab with me in a game of unturned. If you want to get ahold of me here is my skype jacob_f_hall THANKS :)
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    XBox Someone To Play With in My Videos

    what games do u play