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  1. Big Evil Gamer

    Gaming I KILLED LEAFY!

    Nice i subed
  2. Big Evil Gamer

    Why this happen?

    The older your video is the more its traveled thru Youtubes system and your older videos have gotten farther in the the system than the newer ones have. So the vids you make now will be getting more and more views as it ages.
  3. Big Evil Gamer

    Gaming Check Out My Gaming Channel Please

    Lol. I picked it because all my other ideas were taken. And i actually like it a lot to be honest.
  4. Big Evil Gamer

    Gaming Check Out My Gaming Channel Please

    Hello everyone, My Youtube channel name is Big Evil Gamer exactly like that. I only have 19 subscribers right now but i hope to grow bigger and bigger by the week. Im doing Youtube full time and put my heart into my videos. I try to edit them so they look really smooth and you dont notice your...