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  1. shadow232anm

    XBox Funny Collab On COD

    Glad I could help!
  2. shadow232anm

    XBox Funny Collab On COD

    Nice YouTube channel. You might want to take the Razer logo out of your logo though. Since the Razer logo is copy righted.
  3. shadow232anm

    Gaming Hello Everyone!

    Thanks for welcoming me everyone!
  4. shadow232anm

    VR Anyone Want a Shoutout on Youtube?

    I'd would love one too. Your channel looks pretty cool. Click my channel below.
  5. shadow232anm

    XBox Rainbow Six Siege Group

    Hello, I'm looking for a Rainbow Six Siege group to squad up with. So all of us can make better quality content. By making it little easier, since Rainbow Six Siege is heavily dependent on teamwork.
  6. shadow232anm

    Gaming Hello Everyone!

    I'm the kind of person that just likes to goof off, and have a good laugh. Except sometimes I get really focused on the game. Though that might be one of my flaws, I still love to game and show it to the world. I mostly play shooting games but I like to play all sorts of games. So if you want to...