Search results

  1. GemsHD

    Gaming CS:GO Juan Deag!!

  2. GemsHD

    PC I need 2 to 3 more people

    Hey dude, I've a very large STEAM library, check out my channel and if I'm what you're looking for give an add on STEAM :)
  3. GemsHD

    Gaming Funny Siege Gameplay and highlgihts!!

    Expect another video today!! :D
  4. GemsHD

    Gaming Hello Freedom People!

    Welcome James :) I too have Overwatch for PC and BLOPS3 for PS4 :)
  5. GemsHD

    Gaming My First 1080p 60fps video :) (Siege)

    Would love some feedback on my Rainbow Six video!
  6. GemsHD

    Gaming Mirror's Edge Catalyst - The Beginning

    Hey guys this is my first episode of Mirror's Edge Catalyst! Please leave me some feed back and if you like it check out some of my other videos as well!
  7. GemsHD

    Gaming Hello Freedom!

    Thanks for your welcome! :) Rugby is going amazing, training with my local club as well as working in coaching with my local professional club :) Bartending is great until you get one too many drunk asshole :p
  8. GemsHD

    Gaming Hello Freedom!

    This one is on the house :p
  9. GemsHD

    PC CSGO, Overwatch, Siege and GTA V

    This is my STEAM, add me and we'll take it from there :)
  10. GemsHD

    PC CSGO, Overwatch, Siege and GTA V

    This is my STEAM you're best getting me here :)
  11. GemsHD

    PC CSGO, Overwatch, Siege and GTA V

    If I do GTA V I'd love to do some role play skits would be super funny
  12. GemsHD

    Opinions on Overwatch?

    You deserve the positive feedback! If you have time I'm releasing a Mirrors Edge play through Saturday or Sunday, I'd love some feedback from you because you seem to have your head screwed on how to keep people engaged :)
  13. GemsHD

    Gaming behind the scenes to my wow story mode

    This is very cool! Does this program work with different games?
  14. GemsHD

    Gaming Let's Play Halo Wars Part 4

    RTS Games aren't my cup of tea but your personality does liven this video up :) Keep up the good work!
  15. GemsHD

    Opinions on Overwatch?

    I just subscribed man, your content is fantastic! :)
  16. GemsHD

    PC CSGO, Overwatch, Siege and GTA V

    If anyone would like to collaborate or work together on any of these games just drop a comment below :D
  17. GemsHD

    Gaming Youtuber's Life - Upgrading Pc - Part 3

    Nice video, watched it from start to finish and you're doing a great job :)
  18. GemsHD

    Sports WWE 2K16 Money in the Bank 2016 | Money in the Bank Match | Simulation

    Damn! These games look amazing since the last one I played! Pretty sure it was a WWF game! Nice video man, the highlight moves looked great!