Im looking for a program of some sort that can upload my youtube video to facebook in a couple of easy steps. I am just looking a a less time consuming avenue.
A Brown Bear (animal) sits beside me. I thought this would be a surviving Bear attack type of video but he was very chill. The Brown bear was so chill when I sing Bare necessities, or Bear Necessities however you spell it. I had to run when I got my chance, So your gonna have to bear with...
Do you all miss the community that we once had with Call of duty? I believe it is still alive in Black Ops 2 . When ever I hope on the game solo i am engaged in debate, rivalry driven, harsh and friendly gamers. I believe all are necessary to keep the community going. Let me know here or the...
THANKS very much yall!! I appreciate the support
I got you. I will private message you a few tips that I do and tell you what you can do when I check out your channel
I had 190 Subs in January and now have 300 plus today. Ive been grinding for a while now, off and on youtube. And Im finally seeing and always appreciating results! Keep grinding yall.
Hi, Im ZinQ Nasty I play alot of COD, Forhonor, Overwatch. I also do skits and I'm working on animation as we speak. Im looking forward to not only playing the game but creating stories, moments that have never been seen before. NO ONE wants to watch the same movie over and over and over. They...
Wish you the best of luck! Grind my friend. I check out some of your I want you to create a game.lmao like create a small room with hard walls and gather a group of friends and fight each other with yall eyes For some reason I want to see a game play of that. it may sound... Visit the freedom dashboard! They provide music to use that is not copyrighted, even help with graphics like templatets and stuff. Sponsorships that you can benefit from. along with a forum that you can ask for advice and pointers.