Search results

  1. JamesB23

    Nintendo Creators Program Question

    Ok I've been really out of the loop when it comes to Nintendo and where they stand on let's play's. When all the Nintendo debacle was going on I was not on youtube so I really did not pay that close attention to it simply because it did not apply to me. But I know they have there creator...
  2. JamesB23

    Thoughts on shoutouts!

    I really am against sub 4 subs and shout out for shout outs. You can't grow a fan base that way, all you will get if you go that route is a bunch of people that are subscribed to you that are just thirsty for more subs. I would rather have 3 subs who really like and watch my content than 30...
  3. JamesB23


    Gaming Blue (but the art can be artist preference what ever you think looks best) No links Whatever you think looks the best [email protected] And i really need a profile picture rather than a banner at the moment if that's possible, but I'll take what i can get! Thanks!
  4. JamesB23

    Do you watch your own videos?

    I've been on and off Youtube since 09 on like 3 separate channels (long story) but I always go back and watch my old videos to see how much I have improved. And in my case I can always get a good laugh when I go back and watch them because they were really bad lol
  5. JamesB23

    Gaming Hi Guys

    Welcome to the family brother! Good Luck on the channel!
  6. JamesB23

    Gaming New channel

    Welcome to the family man!
  7. JamesB23

    Service Request Need people to yell bad words at me

    I'm currently working on a skit and i need people to send me audio files of them saying vulgar to this nameless person in the skit. The person will walk to a big group of people and ask them question and they say no and yell at him. Practically Stuff you would hear in a call of duty lobby. Age...
  8. JamesB23

    Service [Closed for now!] Free GFX! Anyone can have 1!

    Name - JamesB23 Color - Whatever you think looks the best :)
  9. JamesB23

    Solved Can't post in offers and services forum

    long story short i need people to send me audio files of them yelling vulgar things for a skit and it wont let me post it because of inappropriate material or spam. I do not use any inappropriate words or phrases in the post. Can anyone help me out?
  10. JamesB23

    Service Request I need some Voice Actors

    I've always wanted to get into voice acting so let me know! I from the south so i can naturally do a southern accent if you need one in the future.
  11. JamesB23

    Service Shout Outs

    I suck so pick me :)
  12. JamesB23

    Gaming New YouTube channel and a little about me & Youtube

    Hey guys! I'm new to this community so I figured I would introduce myself. My name is James, I am 19 years old, and I love playing video games! I started posting gaming content on youtube around 2008 or 2009 i was about 12 at the time (Yes I was that kid). But I've been on and off youtube...