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  1. Wickezoid Gaming

    Gaming Hello Everyone!!!

    My pc was hit with a flood of viruses. Like... ALOT to the point where i couldnt even reset my computer because it had shut down administrator settings :O
  2. Wickezoid Gaming

    Gaming Hello Everyone!!!

    Thank you very much
  3. Wickezoid Gaming

    Gaming Hello Everyone!!!

    Awesome! il make sure to check it out
  4. Wickezoid Gaming

    Gaming Hello Everyone!!!

    Hi thanks so much for commenting! Ive learnt alot about youtube over the few years ive been doing it! its great fun. im decent at csgo and when i get my gaming pc fixed next week im going to make montages of matches ect. :D I got my name wick when i was like 4 years old and when i was 8ish i was...
  5. Wickezoid Gaming

    Gaming Hello Everyone!!!

    Thank You! il make sure to check you out
  6. Wickezoid Gaming

    Comedy YouTubers Exposed

    il have to check out your chennel what u have 5 messages :D
  7. Wickezoid Gaming


    Awesome trailer welcme to freedom
  8. Wickezoid Gaming

    Gaming Ethan

    Love it!
  9. Wickezoid Gaming

    Gaming Meet Mr.Gsqrd

    I like your channel!
  10. Wickezoid Gaming

    Gaming Hello Everyone!!!

    Hello everyone my name is James but most people know me as WickezoidGaming. I joined youtube maybe 2 years ago and have just joined the Freedom network and wanted to introduce myself! On my channel i post gaming videos, montages, edits, lets plays and other gaming videos. I mainly post CSGO...