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  1. Smores on ice

    Gaming Hey im a dork

    Will do!
  2. Smores on ice

    What am i doing wrong?

    how do i get my "badge" for freedom?
  3. Smores on ice

    Gaming Hey im a dork

    Honestly either my best friends supporting me and giving me feedback or just the enjoyment of making them, im quite proud of my videos and thank you for the links :)
  4. Smores on ice

    What am i doing wrong?

    Ive been doing youtube for about 6 months and made 75+ videos, i spend 4-8 hours editing them. I have a very high quality standard and i try my best to make it as funny as possible but im just not getting the views needed to get more subscibers. I bet if i got my videos out there more and more...
  5. Smores on ice

    Gaming Hey im a dork

    Hello, my name is kyle or "smores on ice" ive been on youtube for about a year and made 75+ videos and i love doing it. I like to think im bit of an "entertainer" or like a class clown. im really nice guy and is looking for people to collab with.