Search results

  1. T

    PC Minecraft PC collab

    I'm a starter MineCraft Ytber. I have one sub ATM. If u want to collaboratie let u Skype in repy or a wat i van contact u. Thx
  2. T

    Gaming Minecraft Collab!

    I want to collaboratie. How van we connect
  3. T

    PC Minecraft Collab!

    Amount of Subs:1:( Timezone: EU- België Amount of Views:5 Video Amount:4-5 Skype Name /
  4. T

    PC Minecraft Collab!

    Hey. Im a started ytber. How uplads minecraft. I want to collaboratie with u if u want?
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    Gaming introduction/need a collab buddy

    Hello, I am ThePickAxeDude im a duch youtber how started yt some mouthns ago. I most of the time uplade minecraft videos. Within a Coupel of mouthns i will start play cod etc. Sorry For The Bad Typing :):) If some of you guys have some tips for me pleaz leave them in a comment. Plz subscribe...
  6. T

    Gaming introduction

    Hello, I am ThePickAxeDude im a duch youtber how started yt some mouthns ago. I most of the time uplade minecraft videos. Within a Coupel of mouthns i will start play cod etc. Sorry For The Bad Typing :):) If some of you guys have some tips for me pleaz leave them in a comment. Plz subscribe...
  7. T

    Gaming ThePickAxeDude YouTube

    Hello, I am ThePickAxeDude im a duch youtber how started yt some mouthns ago. I most of the time uplade minecraft videos. Within a Coupel of mouthns i will start play cod etc. Sorry For The Bad Typing :):) If some of you guys have some tips for me pleaz leave them in a comment. Plz subscribe...