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  1. RickowskiTV

    Gaming CS:GO - Insane 1v1 Trickshot & more

    Hey guys and girls in this video I get an absolutely insane 360 Noscope shot off the map whilst falling in order to win a round in a 1v1 Server. There is also many other insane noscopes, with lots from my Team matches and a few from a Deathmatch game on de_train whilst warming up. I hope you...
  2. RickowskiTV

    Co-op Games!?

    Gotta love them Gang Beasts.
  3. RickowskiTV

    Request Review my Channel! Overall, (First impressions etc).

    P.S Any and all tips are greatly appreciated! :)
  4. RickowskiTV

    Request Review my Channel! Overall, (First impressions etc).

    Hey Freedom! Family!! :D If you guys could be kind enough to spare a few minutes out of your day to stop by and check out my YouTube Channel and tell me your first impressions/maybe watch part of a video, it would mean so much, thanks in advance! ~Rick
  5. RickowskiTV


    Thanks for that man, didn't expect such a long reply haha. But on the topic of trying to "self edit" that is probably the best thing to do, I guess in a way to like pretend that what you're doing is a Livestream or something, and in doing that it makes editing much easier!
  6. RickowskiTV


    Hahah, so true, thanks for the reply :D
  7. RickowskiTV


    I have never used Lightworks, so you'd say that it's good?
  8. RickowskiTV

    Gaming Hey guys! Ricko here :D

    Thanks guys :D
  9. RickowskiTV

    YouTube Banner Art - Thoughts?

    Thanks man :D I used a font called 'Long Shot Regular'
  10. RickowskiTV

    Gaming Hey guys! Ricko here :D

    Thanks brah
  11. RickowskiTV

    Gaming Hey guys! Ricko here :D

    Tha Thanks man :))
  12. RickowskiTV

    Gaming Hey guys! Ricko here :D

    I'm from Aus thoughh
  13. RickowskiTV

    Gaming Hey guys! Ricko here :D

    Thanks man :)
  14. RickowskiTV

    YouTube Banner Art - Thoughts?

    Hey guys I just wanted to know your thoughts on my new Channel Art. I was trying to go for a professional looking one and this is is the current end product, any changes or is it all good? Thanks in advance, ~Ricko
  15. RickowskiTV

    Co-op Games!?

    Hey guys I just wanted to know what peoples favourite co-op games are, and what would make great potential for a video! These can be either old or new or not even out! So yeah, if you happen to know any cool / unique ones I'd love to hear about them. Thanks in advance, ~Ricko
  16. RickowskiTV


    I just wanted to know how long on average some people spend during the editing process for their videos, and if you happen to have any cool tips on just editing in general, please let me know! Thanks in advance, ~Ricko
  17. RickowskiTV

    Gaming Hey guys! Ricko here :D

    Hey Freedom! Family how's it going!? The name's Rick and i'm just some dude from the YouTubes & please be sure to check out my channel! :D Anyways, I've been around the YouTube space for quite some time now. I've hopped across many ideas and genres of video, until now, in which I have settled...
  18. RickowskiTV

    Subscriber Milestone Hit the elusive 100 subs!

    The start is always the hardest part, keep it up man!
  19. RickowskiTV

    Subscriber Milestone 100 subscribers! almost 120!

    Keep it up! You'll get there in no time at all, ez 200.
  20. RickowskiTV

    YouTube Views Milestone 3000 VIEWS!!!

    I know the feeling man, it's great! Keep it up and congrats :)