Search results

  1. gluie

    Gaming Anyone want to Collaborate FIFA 16? ps4 only

    Anything really dude, just looking for someone to collab with :)
  2. gluie

    Gaming Anyone want to Collaborate FIFA 16? ps4 only

    Hey everybody I was just wondering if anyone wanted to collaborate playing fifa 16? on a youtube video!! Have a great day :)
  3. gluie

    Subscriber Milestone My goal has been reached!

    Thanks man <3T Thanks bro! <3
  4. gluie

    Subscriber Milestone My goal has been reached!

    Hey everybody! I hope you are all having a great day! Anyway this is just a little update as one of my goals has been passed and i couldn't be happier, even though it isn't a major goal it is a step in the right direction. 102/100 subscribers Thank you to everyone! <3
  5. gluie

    How often to you upload a video?

    I upload daily man :)
  6. gluie

    Gaming GoNattsu Gamers | Gamer nattsu for gaming

    Hey dude welcome :)
  7. gluie

    What are your goals for You-Tube in 2016?

    Hey everybody I hope you are all having a great day! My goals: #1 - Reach 500 Subs at the end of the year #2 - post daily until the end of the year #3 - collaborate with alot of youtubers Thanks everyone :)
  8. gluie

    Gaming Welcome to my Channel! :)

    Welcome man :)
  9. gluie

    PlayStation PS4 Group searching more people

    Hey bro I play fifa and upload it on my channel. Hit me up with an invite if you want psn - xxgluie
  10. gluie

    VR Anyone Want a Shoutout on Youtube?

    Hey mate, I would love a shoutout I do Fifa 16 content :) Thank you have a great day!
  11. gluie

    VR Shout out series!

    Hey man nice idea :) i'd like a shoutout, i do fifa content on my channel :)
  12. gluie

    Gaming FIFA 16 Youtuber

    Thank you !! :)
  13. gluie

    How to grow my youtube channel?

    As Twilight said above me, grow out your networking, try to find people to collaborate with it helps dramatically.
  14. gluie

    Promoting Your Channel

    Collab with other users man that might help bring in subs and views
  15. gluie

    Starting to make videos again

    Just bring the old one back, Good luck :)
  16. gluie

    What do you guys record games with?

    I use Elgato Capture HD for my ps4, It is amazing!!
  17. gluie

    Gaming FIFA 16 Youtuber

    Okay thanks mate :) Will do :) Yeah I am using Twitter to help :) Yeah thought so :) I don't want to do it easy anyway :) Thanks mate have a great day! Hey man thank you so much :)
  18. gluie

    Gaming FIFA 16 Youtuber

    Thank you :) Thanks mate, I was just wondering, with freedom d i just have to post in forums like how does freedom get me more subs or views? Thanks mate, I was just wondering, with freedom d i just have to post in forums like how does freedom get me more subs or views?
  19. gluie

    Gaming FIFA 16 Youtuber

    Thank you!!