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  1. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming Just a little bit about us...

    Hey guys, welcome to Freedom! I love the names of your series and Mario is an epic franchise to make videos out of! You can have a hell of a lot of fun playing Mario Kart with friends, although friendships can be ended on this game, it's definitely worth it =D. I hope you guys manage to figure a...
  2. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming New YouTuber - The House of Wolves Gaming Channel

    Hey man, welcome to Freedom! I wouldn't say you need the best equipment to make good videos. So long as you know how your equipment works and you're doing the best you can, the quality will come, what goes into the video is probably plays a bigger part than the quality, within reason that is.
  3. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming PringePlays - Minecraft & More (Twitch/Youtube)

    Hey man, welcome to Freedom! That's a great idea, I like how you post videos of your streams so your fans can never miss out
  4. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming Hello, Im Reals7eel!

    Hey man, welcome to Freedom! Recording and editing videos can take time but the rewards you get are so worth it! Keep up the good work man :)
  5. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming A channel with a Story!

    Welcome to Freedom Ricky! It's always a great help when the people who watch your videos enjoy what you're posting and by the sounds of it you have a lot of passion for this, keep it up man :)
  6. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming Crowzo

    Welcome man! It's great to hear that you don't let something like that hold you back. I wouldn't say 15 is young to start at all, doesn't matter how old you are, if you know how to make good videos you will do well.
  7. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming Introducing Daniel - Playz

    Welcome to Freedom Daniel! It's definitely a plus having a swear free channel, something I will never be able to have due to raging too much whilst I play lol
  8. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming A new Youtuber!

    Hey Josh! Welcome to Freedom! You support any team at all? It's nice to hear you're in it to create a community and not just money which is what a lot of people are doing now... Good luck with it all :)
  9. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming My Introduction

    I am a proud Leicester City Fan! Even more so right about now :), supporting them through the years of pain has finally paid off lol... I'm Leicester born and bread so it was only right for me to do so, wbu?
  10. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming My Introduction

    Thank you for all the replies guys! Apologies for not commenting sooner I've been busy / ill / forgot my password to this site lol! I look forward to a long and prosperous time at Freedom!
  11. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming My Introduction

    Thanks man! Looking forward to seeing how this all goes :)
  12. Coxy Gaming

    Gaming My Introduction

    Hello fellow Freedom members! Firstly, I would like to take the time to thank you for reading my introduction. How did you find Freedom!? I was followed by PGUK Network on Twitter and looked into what they did. What made you join our forums?: I wanted a chance to meet people within the...