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  1. SashaTheBugEye

    Community HEY PEOPLE :P

    Yours too :D
  2. SashaTheBugEye

    Community HEY PEOPLE :P

    Welcome! I came across them a while ago and am also glad I did but have just discovered these forums lol
  3. SashaTheBugEye

    Gaming WaterMelonGaming

    Welcome! :) I will check out your channel :)
  4. SashaTheBugEye

    Gaming Im new :)

    I am new too! :D But welcome :)
  5. SashaTheBugEye

    Gaming Come see my YT Channel!

    Good luck with your channel :D
  6. SashaTheBugEye

    Gaming Hey guys! Come check out my channel :D

    So like many many others I run a YouTube channel :) On that channel I play video games and I will literally play any game that is suggested to me lol I'm currently waiting on a new PC to arrive so that I will be able to play lots more games :D So please check out my channel and i hope you enjoy :D