Search results

  1. Kdluek

    PlayStation COD or GTAV Funny Moments Collab

    Looking for someone to do a video with so i can grow my channel.
  2. Kdluek

    PlayStation funny moments collab

    I might be down
  3. Kdluek

    PlayStation GTA 5 and BO3 Colab

    I can play some BO3, what are you thinking for it?
  4. Kdluek

    PlayStation Collab?

    ok let me know
  5. Kdluek

    PlayStation Collab?

    Hey Everyone I'm 17 and i'm trying to grow on Youtube and would like to collaberate with someone, The game doesn't matter. But you can check me out on Youtube it's Kdluek. There is only one video ATM because i want to start only making good quality videos and the video i put up is probably the...
  6. Kdluek

    PlayStation A PS4 BUDDY?

    If you're still down to do something let me know!
  7. Kdluek

    Gaming Need someone to do a video with

    Hey, I'm 17 years old and i really enjoy making gaming YouTube videos, i want to gain subscribers and i need someone to make some videos with. If you're down let me know