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  1. Krosty555

    VR A new Minecraft skype collabration group

    Skype = Krosty555 I want to try this out :)
  2. Krosty555

    Want to collab?

    Hey guys Krosty555 here and I was wondering if anyone would like to collab. I do gaming videos mostly around Minecraft but i can play any game. If you are intrested reply or send me a private message on youtube. :)
  3. Krosty555

    Gaming Needing Collab Team

    Youtube Name: Krosty555 Age: 12 Skype: Krosty5555 Youtube Url: Why do you want to join are collab team: Because i want to make new friends and just collab with other people. :)
  4. Krosty555

    Entertainment Let's collab!

    Hey there I can collab. My channel is based around gaming but it is an all around channel. Hit me up if you are intrested