Road to prestige live stream
Unfortunately I cannot make good videos yet as I don't have the resources but I'm sure my live streams will help get me on my way.
Enjoy, subscribe, comment and like
Thanks guys
I'm trying my best, any further help from anyone i will take into account because i need as much help as i can get with the business and also gaming side of things
I want to create a network which helps people from youtube or in general... So i will be doing, Graphic design, website hosting but just to start off with i'll be doing GFX for those who are in need, just to show i am legit and it will build up my business slowly and show others my work ect.
What's up people, I've decided to get back into the game by creating a new channel.
I also have a business idea which I want to help small youtubers in advertising your brand so such as your channel or website or brand. That I'm slowly creating so more to come from that.
Currently I live...
Hey guys!
Decided to make it back into this game, doing something different though.
I have decided to stream while i get my setup back to how it was. Also i will be making GFX and also offering other services to teams(Mainly).
I know this isn't much of a introduction but please do subscribe...
If you check my first video out you may see what i mean by the quality, even though it is in 1080p 60 fps and sharpened, it's not looking as though it is. I'll have a look at my settings, i've changed my bit rate but not tested yet so that my be my problem.
Hey man, welcome back! i would check out your channel but the sub button isn't coming up for me, just says error, anyway keep creating but i will check your channel out!
I had alot of that in the past, complaining and telling me how terrible i am, which was actually on a BF4 commentary that i did, my first video on this new channel is the same just with music as i don't have a mic right now, but i have had better feedback this time.
I think that is the main thing, needing to find what kind of gamer or the kind of person you are on youtube and what kind of videos you want to create.
It's a massive struggle to get back up and running again, specially when you don't have much working equipment and again having to regain subs and things. I think and i feel things will be a bit better this time round.
Yeah you could say i'm new, like i said on your post, i was on here before, it's alot better now but i've been waiting to accept the link on my youtube for a week now, that is the only downside to it. everything else seems better
Trust me, i used to have a channel a few years back, i had 200+ subs and around 10,000 views but i deleted it because i just gave up, i shouldn't have but i did, due to me losing subs all of a sudden, even though i was getting good feedback ect.
Welcome my friend, i don't know you, i was on here too a couple of years back, also had a channel, reached 200+ subs and 10,000 views, i felt like you did, didn't feel like i was becoming known and things. Great channel and i have subbed.
Welcome to the Freedom! Family my friend, great channel, Sub4Sub can be good but like you said doesn't always mean you will get views or people won't always watch your videos. either way great channel, i subbed, i liked what i watched.
I am still not partnered fully with freedom and even on the freedom dashboard it says i'm not. I've still not accepted anything because i haven't had anything to accept on my youtube channel.
Anyone tell me what i can do, because i cant create a support account still.
Which admin do i contact because i still have no been linked or accepted anything, on the freedom dashboard it says i'm not linked on my youtube so something is right.
Just letting anyone know that i am up for gaming with others. My gaming pattern is random, as i am away each month for around 2 weeks.
The games i play are mixed, i play DayZ, Arma 3, Fifa on Xbox One, Call of duty on PS4 and Xbox One. I have most games, just comment on here if you would...