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  1. E

    Gaming My Gaming Channel

    Hi Guys it's Emerged Sphinx here, So I wondered if anyone would want to check out my family friendly gaming channel. If you like my channel please subscribe and help me get to 200 subscribers. My channel is Emerged Sphinx =) Bye Guys:)
  2. E

    Gaming Thank You

    Hi guys, So I gained a subscriber yesturday! Whoop whoop! Yeah... Anyway I'm pretty sure it was because of forums so I wanted to say thanks and also I do funny gaming videos on most types of games so come check me out! So thanks you again and please check out my channel and if it's your thing...
  3. E

    Gaming YouTube

    Hi guys it's sphinx, I posted my first thread yesterday and I got so much support and re-threads and everything. So I just wanted to give you the link to my channel. I have about 160 subs and growing (just really slowly) but I love creating every video I make. Here's the link-...
  4. E

    Gaming Hello

    Loving every minute of it!
  5. E

    Gaming Hello

    Hello my name is sphinx. I do gaming videos for everyone. I do GTA V, Black ops 3 and my personal favourite MINECRAFT. All of my content is kid friendly. I am new to the community, so hello all! I am extremely weird and unique which is really my selling point! That's all -Sphinx