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  1. J

    Gaming Hello Guys!

    thank you so much! and yeah ofcource we can give each other feedback!
  2. J

    Gaming Hello Guys!

    Thank you so much! and to i will upload a live commentary and see how that goes! any idea what i should talk about? a funny story that happed in school last week or what class im using?
  3. J

    Gaming Hello Guys!

    Thank you so much! and i am trying to get a good mix of everyting but its hard! :D
  4. J

    Gaming Hello Guys!

    sorry dude im not doing thing-4-thing :/
  5. J

    Gaming Hello Guys!

    sorry if i have not answerd some comments need to go to bed got school tomorrow :( (its 22:51 here)
  6. J

    Gaming Hello Guys!

    thank you! i just love black ops, the gun(not haymaker, brecci, drakon and shiva), the movment, the specialists they are woderful and makes EVERY second fun :D! and i will try to fix that sub button thing :D!
  7. J

    Gaming Hello Guys!

    sorry for a late answer :D i make all the games you can imagin :D no but everything from 2d to war games, it depends on what i what to do :D
  8. J

    Gaming Hello Guys!

    hello :D how are you doing?
  9. J

    Gaming Hello Guys!

    Hello Guys my name is Marcus "Jrp0h" Nilsson and im a 14 years old gamer from sweden. i love to program, make games and play games ofcourse and i would love to work for DICE(the people that made battlefield). i upload gaming content like CoD: Black Ops 3 arena matches(swedish), funny moment's...