Search results

  1. Mikeyriot

    PC looking for collaborations

    Thanks, man! I know how it is lol
  2. Mikeyriot

    PC looking for collaborations

    Hey, guys! I'm looking for people to make videos with (PC). Preferably someone over 18+ would be great. I'd prefer to find someone that's interested in doing this on more than one occasion. That way if we work together and we like we could do more in the future. If your interested in doing a...
  3. Mikeyriot

    VR --

    Hey! I'm interested. I've done voice over work before and its actually something I really enjoy doing. Just message me if you're still looking for auditions and we can talk over what you got in mind. Thanks! Age: 27 Mic: Blue Snowball Audio Software: Mixcraft pro studio, Audacity Business email...
  4. Mikeyriot

    Gaming Win A shoutout!!!

    Sign me up! This is so cool of you to do :)
  5. Mikeyriot

    Gaming Do you want a shoutout? Do you want to grow?Click this thread to find out how!

    This is so cool of you, homie! That's what we need here, more people helping each other out! If I could get a shout out that would be rad! Thanks again for doing this!
  6. Mikeyriot

    PC Lets Grow together!! Shoutout Monday

    What a cool idea! If you got any room i'd love to be featured in one of your videos! Enjoyed the last video :)
  7. Mikeyriot

    Gaming Super Mario 64 Multiplayer (looking for another to join)

    I'm looking for someone to join in on making a video with me for Super Mario 64 multiplayer o on PC! Just comment below and I'll pick one of you!
  8. Mikeyriot

    Community 100th Subscriber Shout Out!

    You can do it!!!
  9. Mikeyriot

    Community 100th Subscriber Shout Out!

    What a great idea, homie! This is what we need in this community, more people willing to help each other out! You got my sub!
  10. Mikeyriot

    Comedy A channel you would not regret

    Welcome to Freedom!
  11. Mikeyriot

    PC 200 Sub Brawlhalla Tournament!

    Cool idea, homie! I'm down if you need more people. Congrats on 200 subs!
  12. Mikeyriot

    Gaming Let's Collab!

    Cool! I'll message you as soon as I can.
  13. Mikeyriot

    Gaming Do You Want a SHOUTOUT? Then CLICK HERE!

    That would be awesome. Homie! If you still need some people I'm down!
  14. Mikeyriot

    VR looking for talented voice actors

    I'm interested in this. If your still looking for voice actors I'd like to audition. I have some sample work I've done for other things , have a wide vocal range and I can also sing pretty well. I have all my own recording equipment as well.
  15. Mikeyriot

    Gaming Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself and my channel

    Yaay Texas! No i'm older than 20 (late 20's) lol and thank you! I'd love to talk to ya! I love making friends :D
  16. Mikeyriot

    Gaming Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself and my channel

    Thank you for the kind words! I wish you the best of luck as well!
  17. Mikeyriot

    Gaming Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself and my channel

    I've kind of taken a break from music for now. When I get my home studio finished I will probably start working on music again and writing more. I have a problem of starting too many projects a once and not focusing on any one thing lol I like to stay busy.