Freedom! and MGN Forum Rules
Welcome to Freedom!, we are a community of YouTubers and we are happy to have you with us. These are our forum rules!
General Forum Etiquette
All content posted must be Family Friendly, all trolling, promotional, spam, racism, pornographic, sexual, illegal, or hate content is not allowed on our forums or our services.Members who report all content which does not follow our rules using the Report buttons are appreciated. They help staff with their roles on the forum and make the community a better place for everyone!
Mods and Admins reserve the rights to enforce these rules to each unique situation.
The Warnings
If you break any of the rules, you may receive a warning point. You get one verbal warning, and then after that, warnings affect your account status. Warnings on your account may cause you to lose features. If you are warned and or banned you should discuss this with the Admin/Mod who warned and or banned you, asking friends to ask for you, making other accounts and flaming Freedom! services, or anything of that nature are not allowed. These are a general guideline, Admins/Mods have the right to reserve these depending on the situation.- Verbal Warning = 0 warning points against your account.
- 2 warning points = a one day ban from our forums.
- 3 warning points = a one month ban from our forums and loss of some forum features.
- 4 warning points = permanent ban and revoked privileges to our forums.
When is advertising allowed?
Advertising on our forums is only allowed within the allocated sections. In order to create threads in these sections you need either the partner badge or 50 posts on the forums. Here are the sections you can advertise in:- Promote Yourself!
- The Videos Tab
- The Streams Tab (displays when you go live automatically)
What advertising is not allowed?
Some forms of advertising are inappropriate. You may NOT:- Engage in favor for favor advertising (for example Sub for Sub, Like for Like, Sub to me)
- Advertise your content outside of your own promotional threads
- Post referral links
- Shorten Links (for example Bitly links)
Fundraisers and Donation Links
Self-Gaining fundraising and or Donation links are NOT allowed. These include, but are not limited to: Patreon, GoFundMe, or any other websites that are asking people to donate specifically to YOU. For example, we don't want to see any "Donate to me, I need a new PC" threads.Fundraisers for charity on the other hand, ARE allowed. We believe that if the community wants to help this world for the greater good, then we want to support them.
Most online charity events consist of 24 Hour Livestreams; we feel that people who are helping others should be supported.
Read our rules on Giveaways here:Click here to see our giveaway guidelines!
Spamming is disallowed. This includes:- Duplicate Posts (Posting the same thread or post across multiple sections)
- Excessive bumping without other members participating (Replying to a thread just to keep it at the top of a forum, this does NOT include actual discussion)
- Thread Hijacking
(Changing the topic of a thread to something other than what the author intended. Don't post on a thread to try to get attention for your own personal benefit. Be respectful to the creator of the thread.) - Misleading thread titles
- Product Placement promoting products, merchandise, etc. Product placements are not to be confused with services such as GFX.
Forum Content
All content uploaded to the Freedom! forums must be family friendly. This is including but is not limited to: Avatars, Signatures, Attachments, embeds, posts, as well as messages towards other users.Posting content such as racism, pornographic, sexual, illegal, or hate content is not allowed on our forums or our services.
Inappropriate Behavior/Trolling
Trolling is when a user tries to start arguments or upset other users by posting inflammatory, extraneous, foul language, or off topic messages with the intent of provoking a negative response or disrupting conversation.Any form of trolling is unacceptable.
Disallowed thread types
You may NOT post threads discussing highly sensitive topics like religion or politics due to the nature of them causing problems.Posting links to, recommending and referencing websites that contain or promote illegal content or activities for example those that allow the downloading of copyrighted material such as pirated software, torrents or any other downloadable that is illegal and is not permitted at Freedom! or any of our services. This includes but is not limited to being a party to piracy in any form such as giving away game or software codes that were given by a developer for review purposes. Breaking this rule is a permanent ban.
Sharing personal details
You may not post personal information of other members without their consent, including but not limited to Private Conversations, Personal Addresses, Personal Phone Numbers, etc.Harassment
Harassing members or staff through private messages any form of forum communication including private messages is not tolerated.Members and Accounts
Multiple accounts
Users are not allowed to have more than one forum account. Should you create a new account to bypass a ban both accounts will be banned permanently.If you need more than one account for a legitimate reason, please contact an Administrator first.
Staff impersonation
You may not impersonate Administrators, Moderators or Staff in any way, shape or form.Thank you for reading our rules! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask an administrator or moderator!
Last Reviewed: February 14th, 2021