Social media to get connected for future giveaways!
Live stream every night for 12 hours ish. I start at 1:00 am eastern time zone tonight come watch and play with me on xbox one, advance warfare!
12 month membership card giveaway at 1000 followers! "Giveaway expires January 1st 2015"
2 giveaways every month if goal of 2000 followers is met "2 Giveaways per month Expire if this is not met by the end of December 2015"
follow my twitter to know when, I upload or start live streaming
Subscribe to my youtube I, upload randomly but will start doing a daily weekly video for different games! give me suggestions on what you would like to see on Wednesday and Thursday/ Friday,
I upload League of legends Aram Mondays on Monday.
I upload call of duty AW Tuesdays on Tuesdays.
I would like to find new games you the viewers choose what, I upload on the other 3 days of the week. if that you can allways catch me live streaming advanced warfare or some different game on twitch.