Into The Aether With SpitFire - Speeding through a Silver Dungeon

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Aug 21, 2017 at 7:41 AM
Posted by SampleNinja
In this episode we head off to take out second queen of the silver dungeon admittedly this episode is a bit dry but was needed to get to the next boss battle. you may notice that the Valkyries only attack us if we attack first. this is to be a sign of their nobility however the smack they talk is much less than noble. Check out my personal channel (it's more active!)
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So Who *IS* Spitfire anyway? Spitfire is Anthony Smith a licensed Insurance agent in North Carolina by day, a lover of games, and gaming culture, and also a contributor to Geek and YouTube success hubs. I do unboxing videos on my personal channel, gaming videos and other assorted derpery here, I produce "The Anthony Show" on Freedom! and so much more!! I also tend to do skits, impressions, and funny bits on all the YouTube channels listed above and am YouTube certified by Google for audience growth!!

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