Episode 7: The Reality of War (Part 2 of 2) | Let’s Play: Kingdom Come Deliverance


Jan 17, 2019 at 5:08 PM
Henry has demonstrated remarkable bravery and courage in making the dangerous journey across the charred and desolate countryside with death and destruction everywhere to give his slain parents a proper burial. But the lawlessness and chaos sweeping across the land all the way to Skalitz does not care for Henry or what he is here to do. His mere presence makes him a target for bandits and looters who care only for what they can profit from his valuable possessions, by violent force if necessary.

Skip to:
02:18 - Our First Clue, or Our Untimely End
08:02 - The Painful and Heart-Wrenching Task Begins
11:26 - Henry Fights for His Very Life
16:24 - Nightmares of Death and Destruction
18:18 - Henry Is Awake, but in No Shape to Be on His Feet
24:19 - At Long Last, the Awakening and Vengeance Quests Can Begin

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At the time of this video, the game version was 1.7.2. You can find out more about Kingdom Come Deliverance at the game’s official website: https://www.kingdomcomerpg.com/

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