Aquaria - [1080p HD Remake] - Part 8

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:37 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Part 8 of a 1080p HD-quality remake of my first playthrough: Aquaria. The outstanding beauty and soundtrack of this game was just not given proper showcasing in my first playthrough. I intend to follow the same path (more or less) in this playthrough - get all treasures, costumes, pets, etc.

This video contains:

+ Exploring various caverns to pick up some new recipes, such as the Leadership Roll, Sight Poultice, Turtle Soup and Legendary Cake.
+ Taking on our next miniboss, Octomum, to gain a Steam Achievement ("Octogone: Defeat Octomum."), and to gain our third pet, the Dumbo Octopus (a mini-light source).
+ Returning to Mithalas to pick up a new recipe (the Tasty Roll), our thirteenth treasure (Drask's Trident), our fourteenth treasure (the Mithala Doll) and...
+ take on our next miniboss(es), the Spirit Priests. Doing this gets us our next form, Spirit Form, as well as another Achievement ("Spirit Battle: Defeat the Priests.").
+ Now with Spirit Form, returning to a previous area (just down and left of where we got the Stone Head treasure) to demonstrate a bit more of the use of Spirit Form, and to get a rare-ish Special Bulb (cooking ingredient).
+ Returning to the Kelp Forest to get our fifteenth treasure, the Odd Container. (I referenced this one in an earlier video - you can blunder around in the dark and get it, but I held off until after I had Sun Form, to make it a bit easier to tell for video viewers).
+ Picking up our sixteenth treasure, the Black Pearl.
+ Still within the Kelp Forest, we go to pick up our seventeenth treasure, the Baby Walker.

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any part of the displayed content - the art, music, etc...was all created by, and is owned/copyrighted by, the independent developers over at Bit Blot - the creators of Aquaria. I have no affiliation/association, or claim to have any affiliation/association, with BitBlot.
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