Aquaria - [1080p HD Remake] - Part 7

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:37 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Part 7 of a 1080p HD-quality remake of my first playthrough: Aquaria. The outstanding beauty and soundtrack of this game was just not given proper showcasing in my first playthrough. I intend to follow the same path (more or less) in this playthrough - get all treasures, costumes, pets, etc.

This video contains:

+ Picking up from where we last left off - the save crystal in Li's Cave. Hey you two - quit cuddling! We've got a playthrough to complete!
+ Picking up our tenth treasure - the Golden Starfish.
+ Exploring the upper-right-most stretch of The Veil - to find a Song Plant, another location for Rukh Eggs, and the point to high-dive from for another Steam Achievement - "High Dive: Dive into the water from a certain high location..."
+ Entering and exploring the Sun Temple. Solving the puzzles within.
+ Taking on our next boss, the Sun God.
+ Obtaining our sixth Form, Sun Form.
+ Exploring the rest of the Sun Temple to find the second (of three) of Naija's lost memories, as well as picking up our eleventh and twelfth treasures (you can find these without Sun Form, if you want to blunder around in the dark) - the treasures are the Golden Gear and the Sun Key, respectively.
+ Picking up our fifth fast-travel sea turtle.

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any part of the displayed content - the art, music, etc...was all created by, and is owned/copyrighted by, the independent developers over at Bit Blot - the creators of Aquaria. I have no affiliation/association, or claim to have any affiliation/association, with BitBlot.
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