Hi, I am currently developing a game in GameMaker: Studio.
I need two persons with graphical skills, to help with the sprites and the overall graphics. Style: 8 or 16bit. Thanks in advance!
Hey there, I am Wilfre and I am looking for people who would like to Remix/Remaster/Compose with me! I have a music channel, where I post my music! If you want to bemy partner, just answer this questions, so I know you better! (You don't need Skype and you don't need to be "good" at this) :D...
Hello! I am ReWilfre (or Wilfre), and I am a remasterer, remixer and composer! I am not quite popular on YouTube, and, because of that, you may think I am not good at the music field... I think I am not EXCELLENT, but I think that, at least, I am "good"!
I started this channel 5 monthes ago...